The New Get-it-all Facial Treatment

Why does the Glo2Facial® have it all? The Glo2Facial facial provides 3 distinct steps: natural skin oxygenation, deep, yet gentle exfoliation & infusion of essential active serums deep into the dermis.

Oxygenate. Exfoliate. Infuse

Breakthrough Glo2Facial® Technology provides superior anti-aging results by treating the skin at a deeper level. Oxygenate, Exfoliate & Infuse your way to improved, more youthful skin. Learn more below.

3-in-1 Facial Therapy. Yes, please!

  • Plump and hydrate
  • Restore skin volume
  • Renew youthful glow
  • Revitalize dull complexion
  • Reduce appearance of wrinkles
  • Firm skin and tighten pores
  • Improve skin cell production
  • Reduce appearance of pigmentation
  • Safe for ANY skin type!

How Does the Glo2Facial Work?


The Glo2Facial® effectively creates a chemical reaction on the skin, producing CO2 bubbles which gently burst on the skin surface drawing oxygen rich blood to the area. This increases capillary flow and skin metabolism. Oxygenation helps with the absorption of active ingredients & more blood flow to the area increases collagen production, which gives a healthy, natural glow to the complexion.


Exfoliation targets the upper layer of skin to remove dead cells. It smooths and renews the skin beautifully, preparing the skin to absorb active nutrients. Exfoliation also helps speed-up skin cell turn-over, which stimulates the production of collagen & elastin.


Infusion happens in two steps within this facial. Firstly, the client gets infusion from the exfoliation/ oxygenation step where there are 4 treatments to chose from: Revive (anti-aging), Illuminate (brightening), Balance (deep cleansing) or Hydrate (revive dry skin).  Secondly, the client is gets infusion from the nourishing mask step of the facial, where Sanitas’ most active serums (peptides, vitamin c & hyaluronic acid) are penetrated with ultrasound. Ultrasound is very effective in getting those serums into the dermis, where it is most effectively feeding & stimulating your skin cells. The second step really makes the skin feel like it has a brand new, restored layer. Truly remarkable.

4. Feel Amazing

Your skin will feel like you’ve had a microderm, so buffed and smooth, but without the recovery time. It will also feel remarkably plumped and hydrated. You will see a beautiful result after one treatment. If you love it, why not do a 6 week series? We will give a discounted rate for a package of 6. Come-in and try it today!
